Canadian Heritage Minutes

The Canadian Heritage Minutes are a series of sixty-second short films, each illustrating an important moment in Canadian history. 
A 2012 Ipsos Reid poll of 3,900 Canadians selected the five most popular Minutes.  Tied for first place were the episodes on Jackie Robinson and the Halifax Explosion, followed by Jennie Kidd Trout, Winnie-the-Pooh and Laura Secord.

Mr. Raven’s personal favourite is The Paris Crew. 
In honour of next week’s Terry Fox run we can appreciate his minute here. 
The most recent minute(Jim Egan) is here.

Your blog should highlight one minute (from the actual Canadian Heritage Minutes) which you feel belongs in a list of the Top Ten minutes.  
Also include a response in which you explain why this form of media is a valuable one for Canadians.  **Note -- it seems as though many students were not even aware that this kind of media existed -- Discuss the ways in which the Heritage Minutes could better reach their audience(all Canadians - focus on the youth).  
